Coverage tips

On guard: How LifeWise secures your privacy and fights fraud

Healthcare is one of the most targeted sectors for scams and cybercrimes. See how LifeWise works to keep your information secure and push fraudsters away.
July 30, 2024   |   2 minute read
stethoscope laying across a keyboard

When it comes to protecting your healthcare information and privacy, you have a lot of people working on your behalf, from the federal government to LifeWise.  

You may have heard about HIPAA. Developed by the United States Congress in 1996 as part of the Social Security Act, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) set national standards for the protection of personal health information. Essentially, the Act establishes individuals’ privacy rights and gives healthcare orgs a better understanding of how to control and use your healthcare information. And when it is used, the Act provides assurance that the information is properly protected.  

HIPAA was a milestone in a new age of electronically shared information. It also gives health plan companies such as LifeWise, a specific and universal set of privacy guidelines and standards to follow when storing and sharing your information. The Act gives our members more confidence in patient privacy and gives us peace of mind that all other health care organizations are following the same rules and regulations. 

Numbing numbers

Beyond HIPAA, we consider protecting your personal health information as a top priority. We’re on the lookout 24/7/365. We are diligent about security to prevent fraud and misuse of your information and our services. 

Nationally, nearly $50 million is lost every year to healthcare fraud and breaches. Other estimates put that number closer to $120 million. Regardless, the losses affect everyone, from health plan companies to providers to you. 

How we protect

Our Special Investigations Unit (SIU) exists to prevent, detect, and investigate healthcare fraud and abuse. The Unit examines suspected instances of fraud by providers, producers, employer groups, and members. One of the most common acts of fraud and abuse happens when a false claim is deliberately submitted to a health plan. Abusers can face up to five years in prison after committing such an act. 

How you can help

Your health data holds information that bad actors are looking for, which is one reason why healthcare is a highly targeted sector by criminals. You can help us (and yourself) by doing your part to protect your personal information and medical history. Never share your ID card with anybody but a healthcare provider from whom you are seeking services or with LifeWise. Nobody else needs to see your ID card. Period.

Review your explanation of benefits (EOB) when you receive one. Check that all charges, service dates, and statements are correct. If something doesn’t look right, call our Fraud Hotline at 800-360-9535

Spotting scams

LifeWise will never request personally protected information (including passwords, a Social Security number, or financial information) from you by email. Further, we will not send an email (or text) with a threat to cancel your plan if personally protected information is not supplied. Such an email is a scam called phishing.  

You’ve no doubt heard the expression, “Think before you click.” That phrase has never been more apt than today. Scammers are working harder than ever, and email phishing is one of the favored tools of this dark trade. 

It’s important to recognize a phishing email when it appears. 

Look for:

  • Very generic greetings or messages, sometimes without even using your name.
  • Mistakes such as misspellings or grammatical errors in the message.
  • Expressions of urgency, such as, “You must take immediate action.” 
  • Links that take you to an unfamiliar site. (Tip: Use your cursor to hover the link without clicking to see the site destination. If you don’t know it, don’t click it.) 

Phishing can happen by text or telephone too and can come from unrecognized or suspicious area codes or callers who are unable to answer basic questions. 

If you suspect fraud or would like to report suspicious activity on your LifeWise account, please don’t hesitate to call our 24/7 Fraud Hotline, 800-360-9535

Be safe.

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